Pangandaran Regent: Graduation as the Initial Gate of Real Community Service 

    Pangandaran Regent: Graduation as the Initial Gate of Real Community Service 

    PANGANDARAN WEST JAVA INDONESIA - Pangandaran Regent H. Jeje Wiradinata attended the open senate session of the Pangandaran Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic in the context of the graduation of the Diploma III program for the 2021/2022 academic year, located in the Multipurpose Hall of the Rectorate Building, 3rd floor of the Pangandaran Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic. Thursday (18/08/2022).

    Also present were the Chair of the Pangandaran Regency DPRD Asep Noordin, H.M.M, Dandim 0613 Ciamis Lt. Col. Inf. Wahyu Alfian Arisandi, Head of Central BKIPM Dr. Ir. Pamuji Lestari, M.Sc., Director of Pangandaran KP Polytechnic Arpan Nasri Siregar, S.Pi., M.S.T.Pi., Deputy Director I Achmad Sofian, S.Pi., M.Sc., Deputy Director II Dinno Sudinno, S.Pi ., M.T., Deputy Director III Afriana Kusdinar, S.St.Pi., M.Sc., Head of Fisheries Research Center (Pusriskan) Yayan Himayani, M.Sc., and Head of Business and Fisheries Capital Management Agency (LPMUKP) Endraji Tanjung Seto.

    There were 75 graduates from three study programs, namely the Marine Technology study program, the Fish Cultivation study program and the Marine Product Processing study program. 

    Pangandaran Regent H. Jeje Wiradinata in his speech congratulated the graduates and said that graduation is the beginning of real service to the community. "On behalf of the local government I congratulate you, today all of my children are graduating to become cadres of fisheries development in Indonesia. Graduation is not the culmination of an educational process, graduation is our gateway to a more real service to the Indonesian people, especially in the marine sector. and fisheries, " said Jeje. 

    According to him, various problems that exist in the marine and fisheries world are a challenge for the current generation. "Now, the development of fisheries development is certainly not easy, the knowledge that you get in college will certainly face various obstacles. Damage to the ecosystem, opportunism, the use of fishing gear that is not environmentally friendly, catching baby lobsters, those are problems that will certainly become a problem of our attention."he continued. 

    In connection with the 77th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the Regent of Pangandaran reminded again that independence is not only about expelling invaders and showing sovereignty as an Indonesian nation, but also straightening out the various goals of the state, and the task of this generation who inherited the struggle for independence from the nation's predecessors is to fill and continue the struggle. 

    Before ending his speech, the Regent of Jeje invited all those present to sing the song Bagimu Negeri and immediately the atmosphere in the hall where the graduation was resounded and solemn with a song that sparked the spirit of nationalism. (Anton AS)

    pangandaran west java indonesia
    Anton atong sugandhi

    Anton atong sugandhi

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